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Written by Fred Patten, and published on the LASFS Rex Rotary, July 28, 1965. Intended for Apa L, Forty-First Distribution, LASFS Meeting no. 1459, July 29, 1965. Address: 1825 Greenfield Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90025. Phone: GRanite 3-6321.
San Diego in 1966! | LonCon II in 1965! | Salamander Press #114. |
I generally go over to my parents' home for dinner on Monday evening, and I sometimes stay late to watch "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." on tv, with the result that I may not get back home until 10:00 p.m. or afterwards. Any of you who are inclined to come over here to use the LASFS mimeo & accoutrements without phoning first to make sure I'm home please take note of this fact. Not that I object to your sitting on my doorstep for two or three hours; I just thought you might like to know.
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The Committee to Plan Another LASFS Picnic has been pretty well taken over by Bĵo Trimble and June Konigsberg, with the following results:
Date: Saturday, August 7th Time: 12:00 FST* (*Fannish Standard Time)
Cost: $1.00 per person, 50¢ for kids.
Menu: chicken & hot dogs potato salad beans lemonade relishes cake and/or watermelon who knows?
Place: another Northern section of the Arroyo Seco Park (see map). There is no freeway off-ramp at Ave. 60; the off-ramps are at Ave. 52, Herman Ave. & Ave. 60, and Marmion Way & Ave. 64. The maps aren't clear on any street but Arroyo Glen reaching the Park, so you'd best try that one, unless you want to wander around. You can see this part of the Park from the freeway (it's on the left side, heading toward Pasadena); it's not hidden by bushes as was the previous Picnic spot. If there is not a high railroad bridge going over the Park, you're in the wrong place. Signs will be posted; watch for them. (The preceding news release is from Bĵo's notes.) Sign up now.
As for the Theatre Party tomorrow evening to see Blake Maxam in "Once Upon a Mattress", you may recall that I announced last week that tickets could be purchased at the door so that there was no need to make any reservations. Well, Blake called over the weekend to report that last Friday's performance had been a sellout, so it'd be safer to put in a reservation after all. This has been done; I've put in a hold on 20 tickets (vs. 7 people who've signed up so far), and I can reserve more tomorrow morning if it turns out that more than 20 people will be wanting to go. So, if you want to make sure you get a seat, let me know tonight that you are planning to attend. Time: 8:00 p.m. tomorrow evening (play starts at 8:30) at San Fernando Valley State College. Price: $2.00 a ticket. There'll be a party at the Hulans afterwards.
Bruce Pelz -- To put it bluntly, in-person communication at a LASFS Meeting is downright impossible, unless what you have to say can be summed up in just a few words, or you're strong & loud enough to keep your conversation going despite the constant interruptions from other people who want to get in "just a word" with whomever you're talking to. Besides which, there're so many more contributors in Apa L than there are in Apa F that you wouldn't have time to talk to everybody. Can you imagine 20 to 30 fans every week, each trying to tell you in person anything he might have to say on NYET VREMIA, in addition to any other conversations you might be trying to carry on about anything else? I agree that our system is far superior to Apa F's, for our purposes. ## Dian's cover for the 37th Dist'n did go a little far out with some of its caricatures. Stine is easily recognizable, yes; but I don't see how anybody could be expected to connect the little goggle-face with Jack, as there's no discernible resemblance. (The closest I could come to identifying it with any club member, past or present, was Bruce Henstell when he first joined.) Jack is a lot more recognizable on the cover of last week's fractional Dist'n. ## I haven't seen enough G&S to have a least favorite that really means anything, though I suppose it's The Gondoliers so far. My favorite is Ruddigore; preferably the original production as performed by the Lamplighters.
Gregg Wolford -- With the one exception of one week when I was sick in bed from directly after the Meeting until the following Monday, I've always mailed your copies of the Dist'n on Friday morning, when I get to work. I refuse to accept responsibility for any delays that may occur once it's in the hands of the P.O. ## Well, I'm not sure just where you might find an organized Humor & Satire Fandom, not being very interested in that sort of thing, but if you really want to know, you might try contracting such once-famous fans as Les Nirenberg, Bob Lichtman, Calvin W. "Biff" Demmon, and others that haven't been heard from much lately. ## Incidentally (and this goes for the other out-of-towners for whom I'm agenting, too), I've already mentioned that I'm going to be going to the LonCon, and I'll be absent from the LASFS for three weeks: Aug. 26, and Sept. 2 & 9. Dave Hulan has agreed to take over as the Official Collator for those three weeks, but you are going to need someone else to act as your agent for that period of time, unless you don't mind missing three Dist'ns. I'm mentioning this now, so that you'll have plenty of time to locate another agent. (You needn't try Tom Gilbert; he tells me that he's going to be out of town for two of those three weeks, too.) Happy hunting.
Fred Hollander -- Your stuff has vastly improved during the last few weeks; get as much out of Summer Vacation as you can. ## The OC while I'm gone will be Hulan. As to the LASFS Rex, it will not be possible for you to use it. I'd like to declare it off limits for the time that no one's here (about one week, since I leave August 22 and Al returns on the 30th or thereabouts), especially to the non-Rex Ass'n members -- i.e. the very ones who don't really know how to handle it and are most likely to mistreat it. As Al and I are more or less responsible for keeping the club's mimeo in good shape, neither of us will want it open to the public for a week with no supervision, so that if it is seriously damaged it'd be impossible to tell whose fault it was. (We've had enough unpleasantness as it is with broken parts that no one will admit to being responsible for, or fans who insist that the Rex was out of order before they used it, when we know darn well it wasn't.) So I suggest you and any others who're going to be wanting to use a mimeo over this period of time get in contact with Hannifen and make sure his mimeo is in good working order. Or make arrangements with Bruce. Or something.
Bĵo Trimble -- The next time you find out about one of those Swap Meets, let me know about it. I dig rummaging through odds & ends (especially books); I spend a large number of my lunch hours digging through the book section in the Goodwill Store at 3rd & Broadway downtown, which is within walking distance of the Law Library. You've seen some of the things I've come up with for 10¢, too. A Swap Meet sounds like fun of the same order, with the additional advantage of getting a look at a selection of stock that hasn't been picked through yet. ## While I think the "Man from U.N.C.L.E." group at the Westercon was very good, I don't feel that any injustice was done in awarding the prize to the Starship Troopers group instead, as it was equally as good. At least the judges were aware of the existence of the UNCLE group. ## I agree that Luise Brannan would have done much better to have made a solo presentation. I thought her Goldberry costume was superb, and if I'd been one of the judges, I'd've seriously considered her for one of the prizes. Unfortunately, Dan's Tom Bombadil was one of the poorest costumes at the show, not really being a costume at all, other than in such minimal details as the sash-belt and, I believe, boots. By presenting themselves as a group, they scuttled any chances Luise may have had of winning anything on her own, and Dan's lack of costume certainly kept them from competing with anyone else for Most Beautiful, Best Presentation, or anything else.
John Trimble -- Yep, I say "Hugo" to specify that this is a nick-name and not the full name of the award; also to establish that what I'm talking about is an object and not a personal name. I seem to have quite a few grammatical quirks that're considered old-fashioned now; I use commas more than a lot of people, put the comma outside of the quotation marks instead of inside when followed by "he said", and still have a tendency to use some old-fashioned spellings suck as "catalogue", even though I do agree with many of the arguments for spelling reform. As long as putting quotation marks around "Hugo" doesn't confuse people, I'll probably keep on using 'em. It's a mild clarification over the use of Hugo without the quotes, and I believe in making my statements as clear as possible.
Ed Meskys -- I don't mind going on record as also being disgusted with the whole '66 WorldCon mess. I was originally going to vote for Cleveland (when it was Cleveland vs. Detroit); then I favored Syracuse over the Tricon union because it did look so much like a case on the MidWest's part of, "We don't really want it, but we'll be damned if we'll let you have it"; and now both sides are making themselves increasingly dislikable, as far as I'm concerned. And of course if the MidWest does get it in '66, we're liable to have a Syracuse-New York-Baltimore fight for '67 with a lot of the bitterness carried over. While L.A. will not be putting in any bid for '66, it's not impossible that some of us may back Syracuse just to get the Con back out here as soon as possible, and quiet things down. Speaking of which, have you seen Scithers' argument for the Tricon along the lines of, "We can't give it to Syracuse, because this would advance the Rotation Plan one year and force the West Coast fans to put on their Con a year ahead of time, which will be unfair to West Coast Fandom."? Needless to say, the Pan-Pacificon working committee has no objections to putting on the Con in '67 instead of '68. ## I think that Disneyland-Oz news release was the one that came out at the time he was planning to feature the Mousketeers in the film. I haven't heard any word on the project since then, though I gather that the Mousketeers are pretty well dead these days.
Jack Harness -- The problem is going to be finding another Ass't Collator to help Dave while he's running things, since Tom won't be here, either. ## I have nothing against the material used in the new AMAZING and FANTASTIC, other than that it is virtually all reprint -- there's only one new story in the entire new FANTASTIC. The type of material they're using is fine, if they can just get more original stories along these lines.